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Holiday Season Service Update

With the US Thanksgiving holiday just passed and the end-of-year holiday season rapidly approaching, we wanted to let our authors know in advance that they may notice a slight delay in our process for the next few weeks. If you submit a manuscript between now and the end of the year, the peer review may take a little longer than usual, simply because many of our academic editors and external referees—on whom we rely to carry out the peer review of our submissions—will be out of the office at some point during the holiday season. As ever, we will endeavour to ensure that all manuscripts submitted to PLoS ONE are evaluated as quickly as possible but please accept our advance apologies for any delays you may experience.

Despite many people being on vacation, the work of the journal continues apace and so we will continue to receive a large number of emails from authors, academic editors, reviewers and readers throughout this period. With offices in the UK and the US, we will always have some level of staff coverage every day except for Christmas Day (December 25), but with some team members being out of the office during the holidays, we may not be able to respond to emails sent to the PLoS ONE inbox ( as quickly as usual. We will, however, respond to your message as soon as we can. In the meantime, you may like to visit some of the following pages on our websites, which may help to answer your question:

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