Weekly PLoS ONE News and Blog Round-Up
In this week’s PLoS ONE media digest: anti-AIDS drug inhibits XMRV virus, a Nematode clue to ageing, and more.
Raltegravir Is a Potent Inhibitor of XMRV, a Virus Implicated in Prostate Cancer and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Singh et al, was covered by Virology blog, Scientific American blog, Salt Lake Tribune, Xinhua, BusinessWeek, Genetic Engineering News, KSL-TV, ProHealth, OneIndia and TopNews United States.
Phenotypic Covariance of Longevity, Immunity and Stress Resistance in the Caenorhabditis Nematodes by Amrit, Boehnisch and May received widespread coverage, including in
Reuters, Sify, OneIndia, Scientificblogging, IndyPosted, AOL News, Press TV, Softpedia, UPI, Drop News, TopNews United States, Medical News Today, Celebrities With Diseases, TheMedGuru, Independent Online, TopNews India, Metabolomics, Express.UK and Biological Sciences Research Council.
The Walking Behaviour of Pedestrian Social Groups and Its Impact on Crowd Dynamics by Moussaïd et al, was reported by Science NOW and Simon Garnier.
Article from March, White Matter Integrity, Creativity, and Psychopathology: Disentangling Constructs with Diffusion Tensor Imaging was covered by The Mouse Trap.
The article Parental and Grandparental Ages in the Autistic Spectrum Disorders: A Birth Cohort Study by Jean Golding, Colin Steer and Marcus Pembrey was written up in Insciences Organisation.