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PLoS ONE News and Blog Round-Up

In this media round-up:  a chimp’s yawn is contagious, cows produce milk with a human protein and much much more.

The manuscript, Herpes Simplex Virus Dances with Amyloid Precursor Protein while Exiting the Cell by Shi-Bin Cheng, Paulette Ferland, Paul Webster, and Elaine Bearer, received media coverage from CBS News, Science Blog, and USA Today. The featured image is a part of Figure 4 and shows an example of infected cells.

Ingroup-Outgroup Bias in Contagious Yawning by Chimpanzees Supports Link to Empathy by Matthew Campbell and Frans de Waal received coverage from the BBC, 80 Beats, Mother Nature Network, and Scientific American.

The paper, Stalking the Fourth Domain in Metagenomic Data: Searching for, Discovering, and Interpreting Novel, Deep Branches in Marker Gene Phylogenetic Trees, by Dongying Wu, Martin Wu, Aaron Halpern, Douglas B. Rusch, Shibu Yooseph, Marvin Frazier, Craig Venter, and Jonathan Eisen received coverage from The Loom, The Economist, The Telegraph, and New Scientist.   To read the story behind this paper, check out Eisen’s blog, Phylogenomics.

A Natural Plasmid Uniquely Encodes Two Biosynthetic Pathways Creating a Potent Anti-MRSA Antibiotic by Christopher Thomas et al. was covered by PhysOrg and TopNews Arab Emirates.

The UCSF led study on Leukocyte Telomere Length in Major Depression: Correlations with Chronicity, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress – Preliminary Findings received coverage from MedIndia and PsychCentral.

Brandon Keim wrote a piece about the manuscript, Social Influence in Televised Election Debates: A Potential Distortion of Democracy. It appeared in Wired Science.

Lisa Cosgrove et al. recently published an article entitled, Antidepressants and Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk: A Review of the Literature and Researchers’ Financial Associations with Industry. The paper received media attention from CTV, Bloomberg Businessweek, and South Asia Mail.

The paper Collective Response of Human Populations to Large-Scale Emergencies was covered by News @ Northeastern.

A Swedish study entitled, Alarm Pheromones and Chemical Communication in Nymphs of the Tropical Bed Bug Cimex hemipterus received media attention from Times of India and California Watch.

Characterization of Bioactive Recombinant Human Lysozyme Expressed in Milk of Cloned Transgenic Cattle was covered by Discovery NewsThe Telegraph, and Sydney Morning Herald.

The Vacouver SunFrench Tribune, and the CBC covered the manuscript, Detection of Prion Protein in Urine-Derived Injectable Fertility Products by a Targeted Proteomic Approach.

The paper, Usefulness of Dismissing and Changing the Coach in Professional Soccer was covered by Brian Mossop in Wired’s Playbook.

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