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PLoS ONE News and Blog Round-Up

In this media digest: a new report on HIV rates in the US, a new test for Alzheimer’s disease and more.

On Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control announced the results of its first multi-year analysis of HIV incidence in the United States from 2006 to 2009. The paper, which published in PLoS ONE, found that though the rate of HIV infection remained steady; it disproportionately affected several racial and ethnic populations in the United States. The paper received a lot of media attention and was covered by: NPR, The New York Times, CNN, Huffington Post, Washington Post, and the San Francisco Chronicle among others.

This week, the paper Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Disease-Specific Autoantibody Profiles in Human Sera also received media coverage. Some of it came from The Times of India and The Star-Ledger.

What People Believe about How Memory Works: A Representative Survey of the U.S. Population received coverage from: Not Exactly Rocket Science, ABC News, Scientific American (blog), The Huffington Post,  and msnbc.

The paper, Adipocyte Hypertrophy, Fatty Liver and Metabolic Risk Factors in South Asians: The Molecular Study of Health and Risk in Ethnic Groups (mol-SHARE) was covered by: CTV, French Tribune, and The Globe and Mail.

The manuscript, Adaptive Evolution of the Venom-Targeted vWF Protein in Opossums that Eat Pitvipers, received media coverage from: i09, Discovery News, and The Hindu.

The Ecological Conditions That Favor Tool Use and Innovation in Wild Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops sp.) was covered by The New York Times, The Gleaming Retort, and Wired.

The paper, Functional Tooth Regeneration Using a Bioengineered Tooth Unit as a Mature Organ Replacement Regenerative Therapy received global media attention. Some of the media outlets that covered the paper include: Reuters, Times of India, and ABC News 24.

The paper, What Happened to Gray Whales during the Pleistocene? The Ecological Impact of Sea-Level Change on Benthic Feeding Areas in the North Pacific Ocean received media coverage from The New York Times,Discovery News, and LiveScience.

Fear of Darkness, the Full Moon and the Nocturnal Ecology of African Lions was covered by USA Today, Global Post, CBS News and Science News.

Image source: Trygve.u

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