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EveryONE: Dr. Zilma Reis

Dr. Reis: Faculty of Medicine, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Avenida Professor Alfredo Balena, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

What is your area of study and why is it important?

I develop medical devices, electronic health systems, and mobile applications to promote a healthier pregnancy. I believe that innovative approaches, when low-cost and effective, can help patients and medical professionals in scenarios with low technology coverage.

At what time in your career did you start thinking about Open Science and why is important to you?

Since our idea of reveal pregnancy dating using light received the Grand Challenges Explorations Grant, I realize we can do more than work for our local problems. Open Science opened great opportunities to the dissemination of our outcomes, encouraging other groups with similar dares.

What drives you in your career in science?

Big global challenges as the infant and maternal mortality reducing drives my career in science. The expressive difference in access to effective technologies among the rich and poor settings of care bothers me up.

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