Worth a Thousand Words
This week’s featured PLoS ONE image is taken from an article by an international team of researchers led by Jan Felix Drexler and Victor Max Corman and which was published in PLoS ONE on Tuesday. In the paper, entitled, Henipavirus RNA in African Bats, the scientists report the presence of henipaviruses in African fruit bats of the Eidolon helvum species by amplifying viral RNA from bat faeces samples collected in Ghana. Previously, henipaviruses were believed to have their natural reservoir in flying foxes of the genus Pteropus, which are found only in Australia and tropical Asia and so this research adds Africa to the areas where severe human Henipavirus infections may occur.
The image is published as Figure 1 in the paper and shows, “The Eidolon helvum colony at Kumasi zoological gardens, Ghana” (photos by: A. Seebens and F. Gloza-Rausch).
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