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Let's Have An Awesome Time Publishing Science

On Friday last week I had the opportunity to present PLoS ONE (and, to some extent, PLoS) to a conference at UCSF called “Let’s Have an Awesome Time Doing Science”. The conference was an interesting blend of ‘regular’ conference and unconference, and from what I saw it worked out very well.

The powerpoint and synced audio can be found at Myplick, and the organisers also hope to put the full video of all presentations online sometime soon. My talk concentrated on PLoS ONE (as opposed to PLoS) – I went into some of our motivations and the reasons for our editorial criteria; quite a bit of detail on the PLoS Article-Level Metrics program; showed some sneak peeks of some upcoming features and finished up by demonstrating some of the power of Open Access in a world of interlinked databases. The audio includes approx 20 minutes of questions at the end, which also went into PLoS Currents: Influenza

In my opinion the presentation was… awesome! :)

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