Article Level Metrics presentation to Berkeley and UCSF
A few weeks ago I had the chance to present the PLoS Article Level Metrics program to audiences at both Berkeley and UCSF (via a simulcast). The organisers allowed me to devote a full hour to our program, and as a result this is the most detailed presentation that we have made on ALMs to date.
The presentation was recorded and so, by the power of multi-multi media, it is now available in many different formats – as a webcast (with both audio and video versions), as a YouTube video, and as a slidecast at MyPlick (incorporating audio, synced with the slides).
In addition, readers may be interested to learn that a FriendFeed room now exists for Article Level Metrics. We do not regard Article Level Metrics as a PLoS-only project and we hope (and expect) that other publishers will adopt the concepts that we are pioneering. Therefore, if was gratifying that this discussion forum was created by members of the community outside of PLoS. It is being used as a place to collect and discuss issues of relevance to the concept of Article Level Metrics (i.e. it is not specific to PLoS) and it is definitely worth subscribing to.