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Announcing PLoS Editorial Manager (EM)

In late July, PLoS ONE will be the first PLoS journal to move to an easier and faster manuscript submission system—Editorial Manager® from Aries Systems. The other PLoS titles will migrate to the new platform later this summer.

You may already be familiar with this widely used system, but if you’d like to know more about it, please visit our explanatory website. This new system will make it easier to track the progress of your manuscript and will provide other important user benefits such as:

•    Reliable system performance
•    Easier figure submission—one zipped file upload
•    Fast PDF preview upon submission
•    Multi-tier subject taxonomy
•    Your own home page to track the progress of your manuscript

Starting from today, we will be emailing our authors, reviewers and others to provide them with detailed instructions about what to expect and do in the coming weeks. If you are one of these individuals, please look out for our message and take the appropriate steps so that we can make this transition run as smoothly as possible.

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