Thanking our Peer Reviewers
We would like to take a moment to say thank you to the thousands of reviewers who participated in the peer review process for PLoS ONE last year. In 2011, over 38,400 people devoted their time and energy peer reviewing at least one manuscript for PLoS ONE. It is truly an achievement that, in just one year, more peer reviewers submitted reviews than in the entire history of the journal up to that point.
The thoughtful comments and critiques provided by our peer reviewers improved our authors’ research, and we are very grateful to all who have volunteered, many times anonymously, to evaluate research submitted to PLoS ONE. Without our reviewers’ contributions, this journal would not be as successful as it is today.
Though we are unable to list all of the peer reviewers by name for 2011, we would like to provide you with a snapshot of our peer reviewer pool. Our reviewers come from all over the world and represent over 130 countries. Over 60% of our referees completed one review in 2011 and approximately 5% completed four reviews or more.
Our reviewers are also affiliated with over 12,000 institutions. Here are the Top 25, in no particular order. Please note, that this data is approximate.
- University of Washington
- Duke University
- University of Michigan
- Baylor College of Medicine
- Stanford University
- University of Cambridge
- University of Florida
- University of Oxford
- University of Minnesota
- University of Pittsburgh
- Karolinska Institutet
- Harvard Medical School
- Emory University
- McGill University
- University College London
- Columbia University
- Northwestern University
- Imperial College London
- University of Chicago
- University of Pennsylvania
- Vanderbilt University
- The University of Hong Kong
- Yale University
Many thanks again to all of the peer reviewers who helped PLoS ONE have another record breaking year!
Image source: KEXINO via Flickr.