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Worth A Thousand Words

The flowers of different species of Loasaceae, shown above, have developed impressive techniques to lure pollinators. Initially, the stamens are hidden in the boat-shaped petals, and upon stimulus by a pollinator, rapidly move towards the center of the flower to present the pollen (e.g. Fig. 1 B, E).

This stunning flower morphology and function allows the plants to avoid pollen loss in the absence of pollinators, and to increase their breeding success.

Read the whole study here.

Image Citation: Henning T, Weigend M (2012) Total Control – Pollen Presentation and Floral Longevity in Loasaceae (Blazing Star Family) Are Modulated by Light, Temperature and Pollinator Visitation Rates. PLoS ONE 7(8): e41121. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041121

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