To cap off the PLOS ONE 10 Year Anniversary collection series, we decided to focus our efforts on the PLOS ONE Editorial…
10th Anniversary Video Series: Community Voices
Authors choose PLOS ONE as a home for their work for many different reasons. The journal offers media coverage, an interdisciplinary audience, easy accessibility and a willingness to publish papers that are hard to publish elsewhere. In this second video marking the journal’s tenth anniversary, ‘Community Voices’, PLOS ONE authors and editors tell you, in their own words, why they chose to publish with us.
Clinton Jenkins, Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas, PLOS ONE Author and Academic Editor
Marcus Eriksen, The 5 Gyres Institute, PLOS ONE Author
Hans Dam, University of Connecticut, PLOS ONE Author and Academic Editor
Christopher Kyba, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, PLOS ONE Author
Julian Stirling, University of Maryland and National Institute of Standards and Technology, PLOS ONE Author
Andrew A. Farke, Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology, PLOS ONE Author and PLOS Paleontology Community Editor
Wendy Foden, IUCN Species Survival Commission and University of Stellenbosch, PLOS ONE Author
Kewei Chen, Banner Health, PLOS ONE Author and Academic Editor
Juan Antonio Añel Cabanelas, Universidade de Vigo, PLOS ONE Author and Section Editor
Daniela Quaglia, Université de Montréal, PLOS ONE Author and PLOS Synthetic Biology Community Editor
Yolanda Gil ,University of Southern California, PLOS ONE Author
Joerg Heber, Editor-in-Chief, PLOS ONE
All speakers volunteered their participation. With the exception of Joerg Heber, none were paid by PLOS.
Camera: Louise Maybank
Video and Audio Editing: Will Jackson
Direction: Geoff Hamm
Producers: Mark Johnson, Mei Yan Leung
Image Credit:
5 Gyres Institute, Triceratops images from Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons
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