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PLoS ONE News and Blog Round-Up

It’s time for another media round-up!  So far this month, a number of PLoS ONE papers have received media coverage.  In this week’s PLoS ONE media digest: grapefruit antioxidant could help prevent diabetes, organic strawberries taste better, Vitamin B fights Alzheimer’s and more…

Homocysteine-Lowering by B Vitamins Slows the Rate of Accelerated Brain Atrophy in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial by David Smith et al, received worldwide coverage – with over 300 articles written on the paper. Some of the media outlets that covered the story included: CNN, BBC, Aljazeera, Xinhua, Time(blog), Times of India, Tehran Times, The Guardian, CTV, Seattle Times, Bloomberg, Los Angeles Times, The Telegraph and Reuters.

Transcriptional Regulation of Human and Rat Hepatic Lipid Metabolism by the Grapefruit Flavonoid Naringenin: Role of PPARα, PPARγ and LXRα by Jonathan Goldwasser et al, received coverage from Sify,  Hindustan Times and TopNews.

Fruit and Soil Quality of Organic and Conventional Strawberry Agroecosystems by John P. Reganold et al, was covered by Scientific American, USA Today, Technocrati, International Business Times, The Daily Evergreen, The Daily Tech, Santa Cruz Sentinel, NPR, LA Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, and Science Friday.

Small-Molecule Antioxidant Proteome-Shields in Deinococcus radiodurans by Dr. Micheal Daly et al, was covered by Sify, Softpedia, Futura Sciences, Science News, Periódico Digital, and Science Blog.

Moonstruck Primates: Owl Monkeys (Aotus) Need Moonlight for Nocturnal Activity in Their Natural Environment by Eduardo Fernández-Duque, Horacio de la Iglesia,  and Hans G. Erkert received coverage from Sify.

In August, there were also few papers that received media attention so I’ve included some of them below.

A New Acoustic Portal into the Odontocete Ear and Vibrational Analysis of the Tympanoperiotic Complex by Ted W. Cranford, Petr Krysl and Mats Amundin received media coverage from Discovery News and Physorg.

Convergent Evolution in Aquatic Tetrapods: Insights from an Exceptional Fossil Mosasaur by Johan Lindgren, Michael W. Caldwell, Takuya Konishi,  and Luis M. Chiappe recieved coverage from the Guardian (blog).

In late August, we launched the PLoS POST Collection – which received media coverage from Our Amazing Planet, Deep-Sea News, Softpedia, Physorg and Voice of America. The POST Collection followed the launch of our PLoS ONE: Marine Biodiversity and Biogeography – Regional Comparisons of Global Issues collection which also received worldwide media attention.

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