Today is World TB Day. The following post was written by one of PLoS Medicine’s Senior Editors, Jocalyn Clark. Jocalyn’s post was published yesterday on the Speaking of Medicine blog and today we are sharing it with everyONE.
Tomorrow is World TB Day—a time to reflect and recognize that tuberculosis is still an important epidemic across the world, causing the deaths of several million people each year, mostly in developing countries. It’s also a good time for us at PLoS to reflect upon and highlight the excellent research and analysis we’re recently published on tuberculosis.
Yesterday PLoS Medicine published a paper announcing the BCG Atlas, the first free online atlas of Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination policies from around the world. The Atlas—developed by Madhu Pai and colleagues in Canada—is the first-of-its-kind, easy-to-use, searchable website that provides free detailed information on current and past TB vaccination policies and practices for more than 180 countries, thus providing useful information for doctors caring for patients with TB.
And since it’s 2011 an excellent YouTube video developed by the authors describes the Atlas further.
Other recent highlights in TB research @ PLoS are:
Combining Domestic and Foreign Investment to Expand Tuberculosis Control in China.
The Health Crisis of Tuberculosis in Prisons Extends beyond the Prison Walls.