Everyone loves a good dinosaur discovery. Though they’re few and far between, sometimes we get lucky, finding feather imprints, mohawks, or birthing…
Aggregators Sharing is Caring: Varied Diets in Dinosaurs Promoted Coexistence
Aggregators What’s in a Look? For Wolves, Maybe Everything
It’s been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. They allow us to communicate feelings across a room…
Worth A Thousand Words Modern Humans: Were We Really Better than Neanderthals, or Did We Just Get Lucky?
We’ve all heard the story: dim-witted Neanderthals couldn’t quite keep up with our intelligent modern human ancestors, leading to their eventual downfall…
Aggregators For Yeast’s Sake: The Benefits of Eating Cheese, Chocolate, and Wine
Yeast—including more than 1500 species that make up 1% of all known fungi—plays an important role in the existence of many of…
Aggregators Beating the Odds: Are Goats Better Gamers than Sheep?
We’re all familiar with the shell game, though many may not recognize it by that name. Popular with street swindlers and sports…
Aggregators Squirrels – Nut Sleuths or Just Nuts?
Crazed squirrels: we’ve all seen them. Some dashing toward you only to stop short long enough to glare with beady eyes before…
Aggregators It’s Not Easy Being Green: Assessing the Challenges of Urban Community Gardening
From vertical gardens to succulent gardens to community veggie gardens like the San Francisco garden pictured above, city dwellers all around us…
Aggregators All Dried Up? Modeling the Effects of Climate Change in California’s River Basins
Whether you are trapped inside because of it, or mourning the lack of it, water is on everyone’s mind right now. Too…
Fun Mama Gorilla Knows Best
While few question the importance of maternal care in humans, scientists do question the influence of a mother’s behavior in other species…
Aggregators Picked Clean: Neanderthals’ Use of Toothpicks to Fight Toothache
The toothpick —an often unnoticed tool for post-meal rituals and appetizer stability—has played a greater role in our ancestors’ health and comfort…
Aggregators Yersinia pestis, Ghost of Plagues Past
Who’s afraid of the big bad plague? Bet you the owners of the bones above were. This Halloween, we’re highlighting the work…
Images Lions Like to Cuddle Too
Who doesn’t love a good cuddle? A study published today in PLOS ONE demonstrates that lions are no different than us when…