In this media digest: a spit test that can predict your age, huddling penguins, and much much more! In the paper, Epigenetic…
Internet/Blogging PLoS ONE News and Blog Round-Up
Aggregators Thanking our Peer Reviewers
As 2010 comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to recognize all of the hard work, effort and dedication…
Aggregators PLoS ONE News and Blog Round-Up
In this PLoS ONE media digest: hamsters show us that jet lag is linked to memory loss, promiscuity is in your genes…
Blog Pick of the Month Blog Pick of the Month – August 2009
It is the first of September, thus the time to award my Pick Of The Month award for August. There were 16…
Internet/Blogging PLoS at ScienceOnline2010
ScienceOnline2010, the fourth annual conference on science and the Web, will be held on January 15-17th, 2010 in the Research Triangle Park…
Blog Pick of the Month Blog Post Of The Month – May 2009
In May, there were 48 blog posts (a big jump in comparison to 27 in March and 29 in April) covering PLoS…
Blog Pick of the Month Blog Post Of The Month – May 2009
In May, there were 48 blog posts (a big jump in comparison to 27 in March and 29 in April) covering PLoS…
Internet/Blogging Unicellular organisms have their own biological clocks
Guess who fed us this story? None other than our very own online discussion expert and Cicadian Rhythm expert, Bora Zivkovic, who…
Internet/Blogging Weekly PLoS Blog and Media Round-up
It was difficult not to notice this week that there was quite a lot of media attention focused on an exciting new…
Internet/Blogging The How and Why of Trackbacks
Science, nature and medical blogs are an increasingly important part of the scientific publishing ecosystem: If one thinks of the scientific paper…
Blog Pick of the Month Blog Post Of The Month – March 2009
Yes, it’s April 1st, but this is not an April Fool’s joke. This is real. On the first day of every month…
Internet/Blogging PLoS ONE on Twitter and FriendFeed
If you are reading this blog I assume you are pretty Web-savvy. Thus, you are aware of the recent proliferation of various…