On January 29th 2014, researchers from UCLA, NCI, and Consolidated Research, Inc. published an observational study in PLOS ONE detailing increased cardiovascular…
Aggregators “Low T” and Prescription Testosterone: Public Viewing of the Science Does Matter
Aggregators Supporting Hepatitis Awareness with Open Access Hepatitis Research
World Hepatitis Day was July 28th, and PLOS ONE is observing the day by raising awareness with a few of our many…
Fun If at First You Don’t Succeed, Sit Back and Listen
Few of us remember how easily we learned language as children. Although the acquisition wasn’t always graceful then—‘awry’ never sounds the same…
Aggregators The Science of Snakeskin: Black Velvety Viper Scales May be Self-Cleaning
Whether you love them or hate them, snakes have long captivated our interest and imagination. They’ve spurred countless stories and fears, some…
Aggregators A Year in Review: 2013 PLOS ONE Papers in the Media
Image Credit: Yutaka Tsutano Tired of year-end lists? We know you’ve got room for at least one more. 2013 was…
Aggregators New Year, New Species
Rock lizards, pigment producing fungus, eagle rays, ant garden parasites, and Antarctic sea anemones: new species are discovered all the time and…
Aggregators PLOS ONE at AGU 2013
PLOS ONE is excited to participate in the American Geophysical Union’s (AGU) Fall Meeting 2013, held this week in San Francisco’s…
Aggregators I’ll Have What He’s Having: Dogs Eavesdrop on Human Interactions
In the spirit of Thanksgiving and sharing a warm meal with loved ones, we’d like to take a moment to give some…
Internet/Blogging Robofish: How Color and Tail Wagging Helped Bring a Robot Fish to “Life”
In an age of 3D printing and bionic limbs, distinctions between the manmade and the natural can sometimes blur. Take, for example…
Aggregators Can You Image That? Imaging a Cell and Its Proteins Together
Observing the world around us is a natural human instinct, and exploring the realm of the tiny and beautiful is especially captivating…
Aggregators Editorial Highlight: Reporting Standards at PLOS ONE
Most readers are by now familiar with the core principle behind PLOS ONE: to publish all papers that are scientifically and…
Aggregators US Government Shutdown: Possible Effects at PLOS ONE
Effective as of midnight, October 1st, 2013, the US government is closed for business, which means that all nonessential US federal services…